Customer Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 1–hour Response Guarantee

  • Offering excellent quality support promptly is our main priority, so that we back up each Linux cloud hosting plan with a 1–hour ticket reply guarantee. As soon as you submit a ticket or drop a message, our user support staff will do their best to supply the most satisfactory answer to your problem and to offer guidance in a timely fashion.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Top–quality Support Service

  • Get in touch with us whenever needed. Our team of consultants will be online for you 24x7x365 to reply to all of your requests and to deal with any matter you will probably have. You can send us a technical support ticket from the CBM Hosting Solutions Site Control Panel or drop an e–mail message at any time. Furthermore, on business days, you can easily phone us or use the live chatting service.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Intuitive Help Section

  • Our Control Panel includes an extensive knowledge base which is integrated into all parts. In each section, you will find a Help control key that will load for you a variety of step–by–step tutorials on how to use a certain element or complete a particular action. Also, we have made mini seminar training videos to help you get a better idea of the Control Panel’s interface.