Web Stats

Site Control Panel–included site stats

Through the Free Web Apps, you can both handle and supervise your web pages. Each semi-dedicated server has a group of web reports software tools. You may obtain them in the Stats Manager section of the Site Control Panel. You will be able to make use of the popular AWStats and Webalizer tools or turn to our lately engineered, accurate data software, which delivers a very useful and simple–to–use web analytics user interface. With CBM Hosting Solutions, you are able to find comprehensive details concerning your web page’s views and readers directly in your Site Control Panel.

Web Stats

Web App Installer

40+ free scripts to pick from

Setting up a web application might be a long and hard duty. Unless, of course, you have an Free Web Apps with over forty easily accessible web applications, that you could add with a a mouse–click. We have made the configuration as quick as possible, to ensure you no longer are required to dedicate your energy and time wondering the right way to arrange your web applications. We’ll also always keep your membership information in the Free Web Apps should you fail to remember your password.

Web App Installer

24x7 Support

24/7/365 client help support

CBM Hosting Solutions’s staff of qualified employees is working 24/7 for any kind of queries that you might have about our semi-dedicated servers. Whether you require assistance or have a really serious situation to fix, we are here to help you. You could e–mail us by using electronic mail or by way of the ticketing system. A 60–minute reaction is guaranteed. You might also phone us on the telephone or use the real–time chat support during business hours.

24x7 Support

A Website Installer

Launch your new website with a click

Setting up a spanking new website could be really hard and pretty expensive. Nonetheless we, at CBM Hosting Solutions, have executed the challenging work for you – you can just now build your website by using a turn–key layout design template with just a click. It is extremely simple and easy – just pick the kind of your new site – business or individual, and pick out a layout which you like. We will deal with the rest then will give you the login details, which means you can start taking care of your site instantly.

A Website Installer

Remote MySQL Access

Distant MySQL connections

Setting up a remote MySQL link can be pretty difficult with other hosting companies. Yet, at CBM Hosting Solutions, we’ve made the process really easy – all you have to do is indicate the IP address of the host you want to give access to a database and our smart system will do all the rest. A distant MySQL link is really helpful if you desire to share a data base between various web sites.

Remote MySQL Access


Set up and control your sites in the cloud at the lowest possible cost

Using our custom–made semi-dedicated servers displaying loads of options, you can host your resource–hungry sites in the cloud at an inexpensive charge. The server load is dispensed among separate servers, so you’ll under no circumstances have to deal with slow speeds and network system interruptions. With almost endless disk space and traffic allocations, you do not really have to keep worrying about any of your sites. Every server offers a point–and–click Free Web Apps, via which you could very easily make use of the available resources.


  • Service guarantees

  • Each of CBM Hosting Solutions’s semi-dedicated servers is setup for your needs at absolutely no cost. 99.9% service uptime. SSH access.
  • Compare our prices

  • Review the instruments and capabilities provided by CBM Hosting Solutions’s semi-dedicated servers. Get started with a cheaper server configuration and upgrade with simply a click of the mouse when your web presence expands.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • We’re on duty 24/7/365 to reply to any sort of inquiries in relation to our semi-dedicated servers. 1–hour response time frame warranty.