Optional Admin Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • Controlling a VPS server can be a tough task. You either have to do the job yourself , in other words spend a lot of your valuable time to watching over your Virtual Private Server, or you need to deploy a 3rd–party solution whose only job will be to monitor your virtual server. And that is exactly where our Optional Admin Services deal will comes in real handy. With it, your VPS will be entered in our custom–developed server managing software system, which will keep track of all the important services. And in case of a service problem, our server admins will be alerted instantly and they will rectify the matter as soon as possible.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • Backing up a VPS Hosting Plan definitely isn’t the simplest assignment on earth. You will either have to use another server or your desktop computer, or, alternatively assign some 3rd–party software. We offer a considerably easier solution with our Optional Admin Services offer. We will create a complete backup copy of your server once a week, so you never have to be afraid of permanently losing any valuable info. Plus, we can retrieve a backup copy very quickly. All our backups are held on a special server with a RAID array of disk drives, so if anything goes wrong with any part of your stored content, we’ve got your back.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • In case you’d like your VPS to have video streaming or video conversion capabilities, you need to install & set up special software programs on it. And if this seems like something far too problematic for you, then our Installation & Troubleshooting solution, an integral part of our Optional Admin Services deal, is definitely the most suitable solution for your needs. Using it, you will have the full and uninterrupted attention of one of our expert server administrators who will install and set–up any software package or solve any trouble that you’re having with your Virtual Private Server.

    The Optional Admin Services package is bundled with the majority of our OpenVZ VPS Hosting Plans. With our KVM VPS Hosting Plans, it is an optional feature.

Avalable with all our VPS Servers