Memcached is a famous memory caching system, which can enhance the speed and the performance of your websites immensely in case they use an API or a database. This is accomplished by caching the calls to the database/API and the replies that are returned, so if a visitor conducts a search for a given product on your website, for example, the database won’t have to be accessed to display the results and the whole operation will be performed significantly quicker. That goes for all types of database-powered apps and not only for e-commerce portals, as every time a specific page is accessed, the application sends a query to its database to get the data that should be shown. With Memcached, not only will your site open much faster, but it will also create much less server load. If any content in the database is changed, the cached responses will also be updated, so the website visitors won’t see any old info.

Memcached in Cloud Hosting

You can use the Memcached distributed memory object caching system with all Linux cloud hosting offered by us. It is offered as an upgrade, which you can enable with just a few clicks through your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. It needs an extension, which is pre-installed on our cloud hosting platform, so you can start using the Memcached caching system the moment you order it. The upgrade is divided into two parts, which will give you more freedom depending on the sites that you’d like to use it for. The first part concerns the number of the websites that will use the Memcached caching system, or the so-called ‘instances’, while the second one is related to the memory, i.e. to how much content the system will be able to cache. You can get more memory in increments of 16 MB and the more memory you have added, the more data will be cached, which may be a rather good idea for heavy-traffic websites with large-size databases and numerous visitors. In this way, you can optimize the loading speed of any script-powered site hosted on our servers without effort.

Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers

You can get the Memcached content caching system as an upgrade with all our semi-dedicated servers and since it works with any script-driven web application, you can use it for any Internet site that you host on our servers, regardless of what application you have used – Joomla, WordPress or Mambo, a custom-developed app, etc. You can add the upgrade from the corresponding section of the Hepsia Control Panel from which you manage your semi-dedicated server account, and you can select two different features – the instances and the amount of memory that they will use. To put it simply, these things show the number of the Internet sites that will use the Memcached caching system and the amount of memory that the system will be able to use to cache your information. The two features are ordered independently for more flexibility and one instance does not come bundled with a fixed amount of system memory. You can take full advantage of the Memcached system with any kind of website and both you and your visitors will quickly detect the difference in the performance.

Memcached in VPS Servers

Memcached comes by default with every VPS server that we’re offering on the condition that you pick Hepsia as your Control Panel, so you will not need to pay any extra money to be able to take advantage of the potential of this distributed memory caching system. The more powerful Virtual Private Server hosting plan you select, the more system memory Memcached will have for information storage purposes, but you’ll have no less than several hundred MB all the time, which is much more than what you’d get with a shared hosting plan. This will permit you to use the Memcached caching system for numerous sites, irrespective of how popular they are, which in turn goes to say that you can use a lower-end package for them without overloading your virtual server. The caching system is perfect for script-powered web apps such as Joomla, WordPress, OpenCart or Mambo, and you can use it even with a custom-made app. Shortly after you activate the Memcached caching system, it will start storing data and you’ll spot the optimized overall performance of your websites.

Memcached in Dedicated Servers

Each dedicated server that’s ordered with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel comes with Memcached already installed by default, so you can begin using this caching system once your server is configured, without having to upgrade or activate anything. The amount of memory that Memcached can use depends on the dedicated server that you’ve selected, but as our servers are astonishingly powerful and considering the fact that it is likely that you will host resource-hungry Internet sites on them, the minimum amount of memory that the system can use will be 3 gigabytes. This will allow you to enhance the overall performance of very popular Internet sites effortlessly and you will notice the difference soon after the Memcached caching system starts caching database requests. You can use the system with any database-powered web page, including those that are based on famous Content Management Systems like WordPress and Joomla.