Having full root-level access means that you will be able to access and update every file on a particular server, in addition to all the system files, and to change system settings or install server-side software which may be necessary for specific scripts and even offline apps in order to work appropriately. A server is accessed at the root level through a root user, which has full privileges to perform all the abovementioned things. The root user can also make various other users. For security reasons, you're advised to have another account for everyday tasks and to use the root account only if you actually need to perform a task on the server. The root-level access feature provides you with full control of your server from any kind of location, given that you know the user credentials.

Full Root-level Access in VPS Servers

The Linux VPS servers which we provide are appropriate for various purposes, depending on what you would like to set up and run on them and the experience that you have. If the hosting server is provided with the cPanel or the DirectAdmin web hosting Control Panel, you'll have full root access and will be able to take care of your online content using a graphical interface, while you may still set up server-side applications that may be required by your sites and even by offline apps, like VoIP programs, media encoding software, various frameworks, etc. Devoid of Control Panel, you will also have full root-level access, but you'll need to do everything using a console. If you choose to use our in-house built Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, there're certain root access restrictions, but this configuration is the easiest to manage. This way, you will be able to choose the virtual server plan that you need.

Full Root-level Access in Dedicated Servers

If you get one of the Linux dedicated web hosting plans which we supply, you will have full root-level access and you can do anything that you are unable to do using a shared website hosting account - to modify the server-side PHP settings, to set up frameworks or media streaming software, and the like. You can order the server with no website hosting Control Panel and do everything through a console, unless you install a third-party instrument, or you can order it with cPanel or DirectAdmin and use a web-based graphical interface to manage your Internet sites and many system settings. In all 3 cases, you will have complete control of the server. The huge amount of resources which you'll have makes our dedicated packages a fantastic choice for any type of content that you would like to have. The servers that are ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel are simpler to control, yet the root access to such a server will be limited.