Many people who start using their 1st hosting account, or switch companies, frequently have queries about how particular procedures are completed or bump into difficulties when setting up different things, including emails, website settings, etc. That’s why, lots of web hosts have prepared documentation with popular questions and problems in order to help their customers receive info quickly and seamlessly. Consequently, the client care team representatives can devote more time to actual issues that certain customers may be facing, as the solution for the smaller things will be available on the Internet and customers can easily tackle them without having to get in touch with the technical support staff. Having elaborate documentation is truly important, particularly for new users with no prior experience at all, as the hosting service involves loads of features and lots of people can become baffled about what to do. A good information repository can both help you complete the things that you need and find out how the hosting service works as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Hosting

All Linux cloud hosting that we’re offering feature an exhaustive knowledge base where you can find all you should know in regards to your web hosting account. Regardless of whether you’re planning to create a brand-new MySQL database, to forward a domain name using an .htaccess file or to create an e-mail account on your computer or hand-held device, you can simply read our help articles and all the info that you need will be there. When you go to a specific section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you will see articles that are associated with the features that can be accessed through it. In case you would like to check the full archive of articles and get familiar with all the functions that Hepsia is offering, or simply to read general info about the web hosting service, you can browse the whole knowledge base, which can be accessed via the Help menu in your Control Panel. We’ve tried our utmost best to cover any problem that you may face, but in case you don’t find the information that you wish, you can always touch base with us, as our technical support staff representatives are at your disposal 24/7.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated servers feature exhaustive technical documentation where you will see information on all the functions that our in-house created Hepsia Control Panel comes with, in addition to solutions to various questions and difficulties that you could confront. All installation guides contain elaborate descriptions, which is the reason why you will not need to worry about missing something if you plan to export a database, for example. The troubleshooting articles encompass a range of likely reasons for specific problems and the solution for each and every one of them, so if you’re not able to send email messages although you have the correct SMTP server settings, for instance, you can quickly discover what the reason for this could be and repair the issue with a couple of clicks of the mouse in your mail client. As the Hepsia Control Panel offers quite a few features, you will be able to find related articles in each single section. In case you wish to browse all help articles, you can use the Help menu, which is located in the upper right-hand corner of the page.