If email messages are an indivisible component of your online correspondence with business colleagues or relatives, it might be better to use a mailbox with your own domain name and a mail service provider that offers support for the IMAP and POP3 email retrieval protocols, rather than using a web-based service that entails limitations as to the size of the attachments. In this way, you will be able to access your email accounts on any desktop or mobile device using any software – Thunderbird, Outlook, Apple Mail, and so forth. With the IMAP protocol, you will be able to view the emails locally at your end, but they will be on the server at all times, while with the POP3 protocol, all emails will be downloaded on the device, unless you choose a copy to be saved on the mail server. Besides, you will be able to take advantage of a lot of other useful options – calendars, contact groups, and so on, not to mention that in case there’s a brief problem with your Internet service, you can still check your email messages as they will be on your desktop or mobile device.

POP3 IMAP E-mail Accounts in Cloud Hosting

Each and every cloud hosting package that we offer will allow you to create mailboxes with any domain name hosted under your account and to set them up on any device. During the setup procedure, you can select between the IMAP and the POP3 protocols, as we offer support for both, so you can decide which one to use in accordance with your preferences and the purpose of your account – you may choose to download all email messages in case you’ve got a personal account and to keep the emails on the server – in case you’ve got a business account, for instance. The Email Manager tool, which is part of our custom-created Hepsia hosting Control Panel, enables you to download and run a small file, so as to set up a mailbox with an email program – Thunderbird, Outlook or Apple Mail. You can use even your phone to view your emails and we have included an exhaustive tutorial on how to do this on an iPhone or an Android phone.

POP3 IMAP E-mail Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server plans support the two email delivery protocols, so you can pick either one of them when you set up an email account with an email program. You can also download auto-config files for any mailbox that you set up from the Email Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel, via which you administer the server. Thus, you can add any email account to Outlook, Apple Mail or Thunderbird without having to do anything manually. If you are non-stop on the move and you would like to view your emails using a mobile phone, we have included in-depth tutorials with screen-caps revealing how to create a mailbox on an iPhone or an Android mobile phone. With our services, you can download the messages on one single device or you can store them on the server, so as to be able to access your messages from multiple locations and devices.

POP3 IMAP E-mail Accounts in VPS Servers

Our Linux VPS servers come with a pre-installed mail server, so you can host a domain, then create a mailbox and set it up in an email client as soon as your server is completely operational. We support both IMAP and POP3 connections by default, so you will not have to install anything manually. If your Virtual Private Server comes with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel or with cPanel, you will even be able to download auto-configuration files for Apple Mail, Outlook and Thunderbird, which will spare you time and effort when you need to set up a mailbox in any of these applications. You will also be able to send as many messages as you want – the VPSs have their own SMTP server, which takes care of the outgoing messages. With our packages, you’ll be able to receive and send messages from any location and any device. You can set up a mailbox even on your smartphone.