For years there was only 1 reliable option to keep info on a laptop – using a hard drive (HDD). Nevertheless, this sort of technology is by now showing its age – hard drives are loud and slow; they are power–hungry and have a tendency to create a great deal of heat for the duration of intense procedures.

SSD drives, on the other hand, are extremely fast, consume way less energy and are far less hot. They furnish an exciting new approach to file access and data storage and are years ahead of HDDs when it comes to file read/write speed, I/O effectiveness and also power efficacy. Observe how HDDs fare against the modern SSD drives.

1. Access Time


SSD drives offer a fresh & revolutionary method to file storage based on the use of electronic interfaces as an alternative to any sort of moving parts and turning disks. This completely new technology is much quicker, making it possible for a 0.1 millisecond data file access time.


The concept driving HDD drives times back to 1954. And even though it has been considerably processed over the years, it’s even now can’t stand up to the innovative technology behind SSD drives. Having today’s HDD drives, the top file access rate you can achieve can vary in between 5 and 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


Caused by the brand–new revolutionary file storage solution incorporated by SSDs, they supply quicker data access rates and better random I/O performance.

Throughout CBM Hosting Solutions’s tests, all of the SSDs showed their ability to manage no less than 6000 IO’s per second.


Hard drives present reduced data access rates because of the aging file storage and accessibility technique they’re by making use of. And they also demonstrate substantially slower random I/O performance as compared with SSD drives.

In the course of CBM Hosting Solutions’s tests, HDD drives handled on average 400 IO operations per second.

3. Reliability


SSD drives are created to have as fewer moving parts as is possible. They use a comparable concept like the one employed in flash drives and are generally significantly more reliable compared to common HDD drives.

SSDs come with an common failing rate of 0.5%.


As we have observed, HDD drives make use of rotating hard disks. And anything that utilizes a lot of moving components for continuous time frames is vulnerable to failing.

HDD drives’ average rate of failure varies somewhere between 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives work nearly noiselessly; they don’t create extra heat; they don’t mandate more cooling alternatives and also consume much less energy.

Tests have revealed that the average power intake of an SSD drive is amongst 2 and 5 watts.


HDD drives are renowned for being loud; they’re at risk from overheating and when there are several disk drives inside a web server, you’ll want an extra cooling system simply for them.

As a whole, HDDs use up somewhere between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


The quicker the data access rate is, the quicker the file calls will be processed. It means that the CPU will not have to hold assets waiting around for the SSD to answer back.

The common I/O wait for SSD drives is simply 1%.


As compared to SSDs, HDDs allow for reduced data accessibility rates. The CPU will have to lose time waiting for the HDD to send back the requested data, saving its resources meanwhile.

The normal I/O wait for HDD drives is about 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


It’s time for some real–world examples. We, at CBM Hosting Solutions, competed a full platform backup with a web server using only SSDs for file storage purposes. In that operation, the common service time for any I/O demand remained below 20 ms.


In contrast to SSD drives, HDDs feature much slower service rates for I/O calls. During a server backup, the average service time for an I/O query varies between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


You’re able to feel the real–world advantages of utilizing SSD drives each and every day. As an example, with a web server furnished with SSD drives, a complete back up can take only 6 hours.


On the flip side, on a hosting server with HDD drives, an identical backup normally takes three or four times as long in order to complete. A complete back up of an HDD–powered server usually takes 20 to 24 hours.

The Linux VPS servers as well as the regular Linux cloud hosting accounts offer SSD drives automatically. Join our family here, at CBM Hosting Solutions, and find out the way we could help you help your web site.

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