• Help Center
  • Simple to Get

  • Buying a brand new SSL certificate is definitely uncomplicated. Everything you need to perform is complete the submission form in your own Site Control Panel. You need not have an account using a third party provider, no need to waste time waiting for many days for your SSL to become completely ready.

  • Easy to Install
  • Easy to Install

  • Applying and setting up an SSL Certificate manually can be pretty difficult and also complex. This is why, in the event your domain name is hosted in an account with CBM Hosting Solutions, you can get your brand new SSL certificate installed routinely. Virtually no arrangement is required at all – our clever system will carry out everything and setup for you.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • 24x7 Support

  • In case you have a problem or need help while configuring your SSL certificate, we’re available for your needs. Our 24x7 support consists of experienced tech professionals and it’s also there 24–7–365. In addition, the average answer time is less than 20 mins.

SSL Prices

Swipe left & right to view all SSLs
SSL 1 year
Regular SSL $19.00
Wildcard SSL $109.00

SSL Services with CBM Hosting Solutions

An SSL certificate adds an extremely functional stability layer for your sites. For those who are the owner of an e–shop and receive money charges, then an SSL Certificate is a must given that it can vastly boost the customer’s faith in your web site.

Thanks to the CBM Hosting Solutions, you can purchase your new SSL Certificate right from your web hosting Control Panel. And if your domain name is hosted in your account with us, we’ll rapidly install the SSL Certificate for you. Zero other installation or manual setting are required.

In addition to the traditional SSL Services, there is also a Wildcard SSL certificate. A Wildcard SSL Certificate can be set up on a multitude of hostnames together. This is extremely useful if you desire to secure many different web sites all at once.

SSL Services, either regular and wildcard, accessible at CBM Hosting Solutions, come with a real 2048–bit data encryption together with a $10 000 USD guarantee.You can get an SSL certificate with all of our web hosting services – Linux cloud hosting, Linux VPS servers, semi-dedicated servers, and Linux dedicated web hosting plans.

Whois Privacy Protection

Shield your individual WHOIS information

According to regulations established by ICANN, the WHOIS information associated with your domain name is publicly revealed and your personal or business info can be seen online by anybody. To help you conceal your domain registration information from the general public, our company offers you a WHOIS protection feature at a truly attractive price. Within the Domain Manager, simply specify the domain that you’d like to protect and after that click the Whois Privacy Protection icon on the right to activate this service.

You ought to bear in mind that this given service is available only with these domain name extensions: .info, .biz, .co, .co.za, .me, .tv, .pro, .cc, .net, .com and .org.

Whois Privacy Protection

Domain Name Parking

Domain name parking done uncomplicated

In case you want to to park a domain, you’ll be able to quickly do so using our Domain Parking tool. At any given time, you will be able to easily point your domain to our two domain parking templates – For Sale and Under Construction. The domain name will be parked instantaneously. You will be able to park as many domains as you like!

In order to individualize the domain parking themes, you may also use custom messages and images.

Domain Name Parking

Multiple Domain Control

Maintain an array of domain names at the same time

Through our Domain Manager, you can effortlessly manage multiple domain names from one single location. You’ll acquire access to a large array of DNS controls and will be able to make changes to lots of domain names simultaneously.

Furthermore, if you happen to also have a cloud hosting account with us, you will be able to administer both your domains and your websites from one single location.

Multiple Domain Control

Wildcard Domains

Trigger wildcard domains with only a click of the mouse

With the Wildcard functionality included in the Domain Manager, you will be able to make all the hosts that you have got under a certain domain load the index page of your site.

This option can come into play if you need to run a multisite application on your site, or when you want a particular subdomain to direct to the index page of your website.

You will be able to activate a wildcard domain name with one single mouse click from the Control Panel–integrated Domain Manager interface. All you have to do is click on the Add Host button on the right and you will see the Wildcard option at the bottom of the dialog box.

Wildcard Domains

GeoIP Redirection Tool

Setup location–based redirections

The Domain Manager gives you the opportunity to address a given audience based on its physical whereabouts. With the GeoIP location tool, you will be able to easily point the visitors from a given geographic location to a certain part of your site that targets their demands. For instance, if you want to make a French version of your web site, you can create a sub–domain fr.your–website.com and utilize the tool to point the individuals from France and from the French–speaking countries to this specific subdomain.

The GeoIP redirection tool offers an easy–to–use interface via which you will be able to set up a redirection with just a click. There is absolutely no necessity to enter any code in the .htaccess file.

GeoIP Redirection Tool
  • Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - $33.49/year
  • .BARGAINS - $30.99/year
  • .CAFE - $36.49/year
  • Compare Domain Names